A fully renovated factory
Chlorine, which is produced together with caustic soda, is the central product of the Vila-seca I plant. The total production capacity of this plant is almost 1 million tonnes per year. Part of the chlorine produced is used to manufacture inorganic derivatives (sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric acid) at the same plant; another part is supplied to the Vila-seca II plant for the production of PVC; and a third part is sold by pipeline to an external customer.
Between 2015 and 2020, this factory undertook a major modernisation and expansion of its facilities, with an investment of over 60 million euros. As a result of these actions, it now has the largest electrolysis plant in Spain, with a capacity of 146,000 t/year of chlorine. Since the end of 2017, all production has been obtained using membrane cell technology, the most advanced and sustainable technology.
The workforce at Vila-seca I is made up of almost 150 people. This factory, together with those of Tarragona and Vila-seca II, make up the Tarragona industrial complex, which in turn is integrated into the Ercros chlorine derivatives division.

Products manufactured at Vila-seca I
In figures
The key figures of the Vila-seca I factory
Annual production capacity
Chlorine manufacturer in Spain
Invested between 2016 and 2021
Upgraded facilities
Salt consumed from tail dumps
Electrolysis plant surface area
Products dispatched
A bit of history

Start of activity with the production of chlorine, caustic soda and its inorganic derivatives, under the ownership of Energía e Industrias Aragonesas, S.A. (Eiasa). The factory is a pioneer in the Tarragona industrial park.

Introduction of membrane technology for chlorine production, the most advanced and sustainable process.

Expansion of the capacity of membrane technology. Chlorine produced by membrane technology accounts for 30% of production.

On the occasion of the acquisition of the Aragonesas Group, the Vila-seca I factory is integrated into the Ercros chlorine derivatives division.

Start of a technological renewal programme. 17 facilities are upgraded or extended at a cost of over 60 million euros.

The mercury electrolysis plant is shut down and the production capacity of the membrane plant is expanded.

Further increases in the capacity of the electrolysis plant and the start-up of two hydrochloric acid plants, one sodium hypochlorite plant, as well as other facilities and warehouses.
Certificates of the Vila-seca I factory
The distinctive marks endorse this factory's commitment to sustainability.
Contact the factory
If you would like to visit or contact us, you can start here.
Autovía Tarragona-Salou C-31 B, Km. 6
43480 Vila-seca (Tarragona)
Tel.:+34 977 370 354
Email: complejotarragona@ercros.es