Stewardship and safety
The products sold by Ercros are included in the EU REACH Regulation

We safeguard the use of our products throughout their entire life cycle
Ercros, as a chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturer, whether produced internally or purchased from third parties, stewards these substances throughout the supply chain so that they do not pose a risk to the health and safety of people or to the environment.
The life of a substance ranges from the design of industrial facilities, the purchase of raw materials, to its end, whether due to its consumption or its transformation into waste.
For Ercros, this commitment involves maintaining close contact with customers and, if they require it, providing them with information to ensure that the substances sold to them are used and handled correctly.
Ercros complies with the legislation issued by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) - the European Reach and CLP regulations - whose purpose is to protect human health and the environment, as well as to promote the correct use of these substances.
We comply with the regulations on the use of the substances we sell

Up to date with Reach
Ercros markets substances that are affected by the European Reach regulation on registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals. Outside the EU, Ercros also manages the pre-registration of substances under Reach UK and Kkdik Turkey.
All these substances are duly registered and those that require it have a Chemical Safety Report (CSR) including their physicochemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological properties and exposure scenarios for authorised uses.
Ercros has signed up to the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) action plan for the review and improvement of Reach EU registrations during the 2020-2026 period.

Some of our products have their own legislation
Several of the products we market are additionally subject to specific regulatory requirements.
In particular, our active pharmaceutical ingredients meet the technical criteria established by the applicable pharmacopoeias, as well as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards; biocidal products comply with European regulations; and substances for the food industry meet the requirements for registration of manufacturing facilities, purity criteria, product traceability and implementation of hazard analysis and critical control points in the process (HACCP), in accordance with the provisions of our own regulations.

Safety data sheets
Ercros supplies its customers with Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the products it markets in the languages of all EU countries, with the content developed by the Reach regulation. Outside the EU, it supplies SDSs adapted to the regulations of each country, in their respective language.
Our suppliers of raw materials provide us with the SDSs of the substances and mixtures they supply us with and, in turn, Ercros verifies the conformity of these SDSs.

Properly packaged and labelled products
The chemical and pharmaceutical substances and mixtures we market comply with the European CLP regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, which in turn complies with the classification and labelling criteria of the UN Globally Harmonised System (GHS).