Meet Ercros
Spain's first basic chemicals company, leading most markets in which it operates
A century-old, forward-looking company
Ercros is an industrial group focused on the manufacture and sale of chemical and pharmaceutical products. The company is listed on the continuous market of the Spanish stock exchange.
The principles that guide Ercros' activity are the safety of its facilities and people's health, the respect for the environment, the quality of its products and the dialogue and transparency with society.
The company is diversified in three activity areas:
- The Chlorine derivatives division, a strategic unit with chlorine as a common link;
- The Intermediate chemicals division, focused on formaldehyde chemistry; and,
- The Pharmaceuticals division, dedicated to the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients.
It has 10 production sites, employing some 1,350 people, and exports almost half of its sales to around 91 countries worldwide.
What, where and to whom we sell our products?
Our clients: leading companies rely on us









The distinctions that endorse our good work
Included in the UN dossier on good practices in Sustainable Development Goals.
Ercros, among Climate Action's 101 best business practices.
By Piscina and Wellness Barcelona for the chlorine tablets new packaging.
Recognition for the sustainable behavior of Ercros.
Awarded by Feique to the factories with zero accidents in one year.
Awarded by Feique for a greater gender balance.
Awarded to Mª Carmen Cruzado, director of the pharmacy division.
Awarded by Applus+ for dual vocational training internships by Ercros corporation.
To two students mentored by the Ercros Cerdanyola factory.
Recognition of Ercros by the Spanish accounting and business administration association (AECA).
Pilot award in the large companies category of the Sabiñánigo factory.
Cambra de Tortosa 2024 Award, for our career in the field of R&D and engineering.
For Ercros' work on foreign trade by the Tarragona Chamber of Commerce.
Due to its historical connection of Ercros founders with France.
For investing in the long-term professional development of the staff.
United in defence of sectoral interests
European Chemical Industry Council
Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry
The Catalan Chemical Industry Federation
The Chemical Business Association of Tarragona
Association of Chemical Companies of the Valencian Community
Federation of Chemical and Plastics Companies of Aragon
Weaving alliances with other manufacturers
European chlor-alkali producers
Spanish chlor-alkali producers
European biocides industry platform
European polymer producers
European vinyl manufacturers
Spanish organisation promoting plastic recycling
System to facilitate legislation on packaging in the chemical and plastics sector, among others.
European producers of formaldehyde and derivatives
European Phenolic Resins Association
Spanish fine chemicals manufacturers
Association of energy-intensive companies
International Methanol Producers and Consumers Association