Responsible investment

We act in accordance with good ESG practices

Financial year 2023

Our achievements

Efforts to improve our good sustainable practices are reflected in the following achievements.

87/100 Platinum

EcoVadis sustainability rating


UN Global Compact progress report ranking


Percentage of compliance with the CNMV code of good governance


Prevention and environmentally certified activity

Ercros, an ESG investment

At Ercros, we carry out our activity by applying good ESG (environmental, social and governance) practices and, this way, we contribute to achieving the 17 sustainable objectives of the UN and the EU's European Green Deal.

In 2025 we obtained a platinum rating, with a score of 87/100, in the EcoVadis sustainability rating, which places us among the top 1% of companies with the best score. 

The same exercice, Lighthouse has also awarded us an AA rating, with a score of 86/100.

Wastewater treatment plant in the Aranjuez factory la fábrica de Aranjuez

Wastewater treatment plant at the Aranjuez factory.

La vigilancia de la salud de las personas, puntal de la prevención

Personal health surveillance is a standard practice in our workplaces.

Ercros board of directors

The composition of the board of directors complies with good governance recommendations.

Evolution of the main ESG indicators (2015-2023)

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Subjected to external audits

We are accountable for the fulfilment of the commitments we have made and submit the accuracy of the data we publish to verification by independent, specialised and recognised external companies.

Logo Ernst and Young
Annual accounts

The annual accounts are audited by Ernst & Young and are not subject to provisos.

Logo Bureau Veritas
Verification of the statement of non-financial information

The verification of the statement of non-financial information is carried out by Bureau Veritas and it is of the opinion that the content is adequate and compliant with Law 11/2018.

Logo EIAF Lighthouse

The Lighthouse ESG rating, issued by the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts (IEAF), assesses the level of compliance with ESG criteria.

Logo Bureau Veritas
A guide to implementing CSR in the chemical and life sciences sectors

The degree of compliance with the indicators set out in the CSR Guide is verified by Bureau Veritas, which awards a level of "Excellent".

Logo Global Compact empresa adherida
Global Compact Progress Report

We report annually on the company's progress in implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact.

Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores CNMV
Degree of compliance with the code of good governance

Ercros maintains a high level of compliance with the recommendations of the Code of Good Governance.

Voluntary ESG certifications and agreements

We have obtained the highest rating in the Good Corporate Governance Index, the sustainability management system we apply is subject to the certification of internationally approved standards, and we adhere to voluntary programmes to reinforce our commitment and contribute to sustainable and responsible action in the business world.