Ercros launches its 3D Plan
Diversification, Digitalisation, Decarbonisation

The strategy that 3D Plan defines is based on three dimensions: Diversification, Digitalisation, and Decarbonisation.
- The strategy consists of transforming Ercros into a sustainable company over time. Sustainable due to the diversification of its productive structure, which will allow it to cushion the cyclical volatility of the chemical sector. Sustainable by the digital transformation and automation of its processes, which will make it more competitive. And sustainable due to the adaptation of its environmental performances to the official European and Spanish requirements to stop climate change.
- These three dimensions respond to three fundamental challenges:
- Diversification: Decisive in terms of gaining stability throughout the economic cycle.
- Digitalisation: Today, the only long-lasting way to make a substantial leap with regard to modernisation and increasing productivity.
- Decarbonisation: An inescapable obligation for any environmentally responsible chemical company committed to halting climate change.
- El 3D Plan defines 20 projects. In the period 2021-2025 will invest EUR 69 million that, in accumulated terms, will add a further EUR 63 million to our ebitda.
- The scope of some of these digitalisation projects, given the management and organisational changes involved, and other decarbonisation projects, given the time horizon of their objectives, will transcend this period, and extend up to 2029. For the period 2026-2029, Ercros is expecting to invest an additional EUR 23 million because of the 3D Plan, which will have an additional impact on ebitda, on top of the impact generated by the projects from the first period, creating EUR 131 million in accumulated terms.
- The total estimated figures for the extended period of 2021-2029 are, therefore, as follows: accumulated investment, EUR 92 million; and additional accumulated ebitda, EUR 194 million.
- The plan will be financed with resources generated internally. Any European public funding and other sources of finance secured will accelerate the process.
- The premise is that the execution of this plan should neither jeopardise the financial solvency of the company (the maximum annual capex is set at EUR 30 million) nor shareholder remuneration.