We improve 6 points in Lighthouse's ESG Rating
The three pillars evaluated improve their score and are placed at a high or very high performance

The ESG Rating 2024 report by Lighthouse-Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts (IEAF) has given Ercros an overall rating of AA, with 86 points out of 100, which represents an improvement of six points compared to the 2023 report and consolidates a very high performance.
This rating rates the performance of companies based on three pillars: environmental, social and governance (ESG).
In the case of Ercros, all pillars improve their score and are placed in a high or very high performance.
The environmental pillar has improved the most, nine points, from 75/100 in 2023 to 84/100 in 2024. In this pillar, the report highlights the improvement of Ercros' contribution in the fight against climate change, the reduction of CO2 emissions and the efficient management of resources.
The social pillar has risen seven points (84/100 in 2024 vs 77/100 in 2023). Here it is valued that Ercros has policies on human resources, diversity or equality, and safety and health at work; that its health and safety management system, ISO 45001, is certified by an independent entity; that it has evaluated 77% of its suppliers with ESG criteria in the last three years; and that most of the indicators in this pillar show a positive evolution.
Finally, the best-rated pillar is governance, which increases by two points (89/100 in 2024 vs 87/100 in 2023) and remains at the highest performance rating, AAA. Lighthouse has taken into account that the company complies with 96% of the recommendations of the CNMV's Code of Good Governance and has a director selection policy that includes diversity, a risk management system that includes ESG risks and a code of ethical conduct applicable internally and externally.
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